Cheesy Pickup Lines
Pick up (v.) 搭訕
-Pick up girls. 泡妞
-Pick up artist. 把妹達人
Hit on (v.) 搭訕
-Hit on girls. 對女孩獻殷勤
-I just got hit on! 我剛搭訕成功
-The guy was trying to hit on me. 那個人嘗試搭訕我
Cheesy (adj.) 劣質的;庸俗的
-The movie was socheesy. 這部電影不好看
-Stop listening to those cheesy love songs. 不要聽那些庸俗的歌曲了
-Oh please, that’s so cheesy. 喔!拜託。那實在很俗耶
Smooth talker (n.) 很會說話
-He is a smooth talker. 他是一個能言善道的人
Slick (n.) (adj.) 油嘴滑舌
-I don't trust those slick salesmen. 我實在不相信那些油腔滑調的銷售員
Is it hot in here or is it because of you? 這裡那麼熱是因為妳在的緣故?
*hot 熱 / 火辣
Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? 除了性感之外,妳是做什麼職業的?
*apart from 除了…之外
Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?
*earthquake 地震
*rock 搖晃 / 震撼
Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me? 是太陽出來了嗎?還是妳在對我笑呢?
*smile at +人 對某人微笑
I can read palms. Oh it says you’re gonna call me soon!
*palm 手掌
*read palms 看手相
I could flirt with you, but I’d rather allure you with my awkwardness.
*flirt with +人 跟某人調情
*would rather 寧願
*allure 吸引 / 誘惑
*awkwardness 拙樣
Can I get your picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist?
*prove 證明
*angel 天使
*exist 存在
You see my friend over there? [Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I’m cute.
妳有看到我那邊的搭檔嗎?[指向朋友] 他想知道妳覺得我可愛嘛?
*wingman 搭擋
Do you have the time? [Tells you the time] No, the time to write down my number?
妳有空嗎?[告訴妳時間] 不!是時候寫下我的電話號碼!
*Do you have the time? = What time is it? 現在幾點鐘了?
I'm not trying to impress you or anything, but... I'm Batman!
*impress 使…印象深刻
*I’m impressed. 令人佩服!
*That’s impressive. 好厲害喔!
Tips to be a pickup artist
1. Break the ice 讓搭訕不尷尬的方法
Use pickup lines 使用搭訕語
Give a compliment 給予讚美
(1) That’s a beautiful dress.
(2) I like your outfit.
(3) That’s a cute necklace.
(4) Look at your rocking body.
(5) Your lips are gorgeous.
解答:(1) Ο (2) Ο (3) Ο (4) Χ (5) Χ
2. Ask simple, non-invasive questions 提問一些簡單的問題
(1) Are you a student?
(2) What do you do for a living?
(3) Is this the first time you’re here?
(4) What are you here for?
(5) How old are you?
(6) Are you married?
(7) How much money do you earn?
解答:(1) Ο (2) Ο (3) Ο (4) Ο (5) Χ (6) Χ (7) Χ
3. Ask about what they like to do 問問興趣或是喜好
(1) What do you like to do in your free time?
(2) What do you usually do for fun?
(3) Do you like to watch movies?
(4) Do you like to play sports?
(5) I bet you like to go to the gym.
解答:(1) Ο (2) Ο (3) Ο (4) Ο (5) Ο
4. Get contact information 取得聯絡方法
Facebook 臉書
Line ID or Whatsapp Line帳號或Whatsapp帳號
Phone number 電話號碼
(1) Are you on Facebook/Instagram?
(2) Can I have your number?
(3) I enjoy talking with you, is it ok if we can hang out?
解答:(1) Ο (2) Ο (3) Ο
Dos and Don’ts
Do be more confident. 要更有自信些!
Do clean up well. 保持乾乾淨淨的樣子!
First impression is everything. 第一印象剩於一切!
*impression (n.) 印象
Do take no for an answer. 不要一次提問太多的問題!
Don’t take it personally. 不要過問別人的隱私。
*take it personally 針對你
Don’t feel rejected. 不要害怕被拒絕!
*rejected 被拒絕
Don’t be shy! 千萬別害羞!
經典搭訕用語 |
Can I get directions? Well, I need directions to your heart. 我可以問你方向嗎? 我需要直達你心的方向 |
Come on .Give it back? What? My heart. 拜託,還給我!什麼東西啊?我的心。 |
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right? 如果我說錯的話親我,恐龍還存在對吧? |
Sorry, do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you. 不好意思你有OK蹦嗎?我剛剛拜倒在你的石榴裙下時弄傷了我的膝蓋。 |
Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? 剛剛有地震嗎?還是你搖滾了我的世界? |
委婉拒絕方式 |
Will you excuse me for a while? It is about 5 minutes. 對不起,我要暫時離開一下,大約是5分鐘時間。 |
I apologize about I am so low. You know my English is poor. 抱歉,我的速度比較慢,因為我的英語很差。 |
Excuse me. I am not available now. I'll chat with you when I am free. 對不起,我現在很忙,有時間再和你聊。 |
Sorry. I am chatting with my friend. I will chat with you when I am free. 抱歉,我的朋友在和我聊,有空了我再去找你。 |
《愛在黎明破曉時、愛在日落巴黎時、愛在午夜希臘時 / Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight》各呼應了男女主角情竇初開充滿希望 (Sunrise 太陽即將出現)、兩情相悅把握機會 (Sunset太陽即將西落) 情愛綿長相互珍惜 (Midnigh黎明前的黑暗) 的心境,分享給大家~
If we were meeting for the first time today on a train, would you find me attractive?